Is it Time to Repair Your Garbage Disposal? Check for These Tell-Tale Signs

Your garbage disposal. It chews through debris and tough foods like it’s gorging on a feast. But sometimes, it can bite off a bit more than it can chew. Thanks to our extensive Orange County appliance repair experience working with garbage disposal repair, we understand the tell-tale signs that could indicate your garbage disposal is in need of repair. From clogging up to making weird noises, find out if your garbage disposal needs a little TLC in this helpful article.

My Garbage Disposal is Making Loud Noises

It’s normal for a garbage disposal to make noise as it grinds up food, but unusually loud noises could indicate that someone is trapped in the blades or that the motor may be malfunctioning. If you’re hearing loud noises from your garbage disposal, it’s a good idea to consult with an appliance repair specialist who can help determine an accurate cause and provide you with an estimate to fix or replace it.

My Garbage Disposal Clogs Up Frequently

Provided you’re not piling on potato peelings or clogging it up with corn cobs, garbage disposals can pretty much chew through food you introduce to them. But if yours is clogging up frequently, or there’s standing water even after you try to run the disposal, it may mean that it’s not operating at peak performance. In cases where your garbage disposal clogs up often, it’s best to call a professional appliance repair Orange County company to have them service it and prevent damage to the motor or other systems of the disposal.

My Garbage Disposal is Leaking Water

If your disposal becomes clogs or the motor doesn’t function correctly, it could cause damage to the components and cause the disposal to leak water or other debris. If your garbage disposal is leaking water, it’s ideal to contact us as soon as possible, since excess water can ruin your cabinetry, and can be a hot-bed for bacteria and mold growth.

My Garbage Disposal Loses Power or Needs to Be Reset Often

If your disposal seems to be losing power or needs to be reset often, it could be a sign that the disposal is too small to handle the amount of debris you put into it, or it may be beyond a useful lifecycle and be old or worn out. In worst case scenarios, it could have an electrical short or fault that could put you or your family at risk. This is a critical danger and must be examined by a disposal repair technician as soon as possible.

My Garbage Disposal Has a Strange and Bad Smell

On occasion, you may find that your garbage disposal has a strange or unpleasant smell coming from it. Oftentimes, this can easily be solved by emptying a box of baking soda through the appliance. The baking soda will help neutralize the odors and leave a fresher scent. If the problem continues or worsens, however, it may be worth contacting a professional Orange County appliance service to determine the source of the problem and fix your broken garbage disposal. To learn more about garbage disposal repair, contact us today!


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